Welcome to My Website
Thank you for visiting. As my life evolves, I am blessed to be able to have become the author of "For Two" a cookbook for two meals or two servings. As a person with a creative spirit, it has led me to many fun adventures. This website is geared toward two of the things I greatly enjoy, writing and making jewelry. The recipes in the cookbook are easy and quick. From Appetizers to Desserts and something to wet your whistle. I am also a co-author that "Dream Boldly, I Dare You" has touched many lives. 30 Powerful women sharing a part of their life story. Truly a blessed book.
I also love to be creative. Making custom jewelry is another thing I enjoy doing. I am honored to know there are a lot of people in Atlanta wearing my jewelry. I enjoy it very much.
AND the Unique Paper Products that I have introduced into my Line. The Paper Purses are a hit.
So have a look around. Grab the cookbook and cook yourself an easy meal. Then hit the town with a custom jewelry piece that is one of a kind. Don't forget to pick up one of the Unique Paper Purses to use as a side piece or decorative piece or whatever you want!
The Market will start again in May 2025, our 3rd year! Join outstanding vendors for a local market.
SHIPPING: please allow 3-7 business days for your item{s} to be shipped.
US Pricing only. If outside the US, please contact us for shipping charge.

When you pray be sure that you also listen. You have things you want to say to God.
But He also has things He wants to say to you.